Hike and Hunt Rating Guide

General Information
Ratings given are for boxes planted only. Other
letterboxers have their own systems for rating their hikes so do not
assume "easy" here means "easy" somewhere else.
Speed is based upon the average five year old being able to walk on
level sidewalk (when motivated) at a pace of 1.5 to 2 miles per hour.
Individual boxes have explanations for why a certain rating was
selected. It is assumed that persons with physical or mental
disabilities, as well as children, will be accompanied by an able-bodied
Distances given are the maximum. See individual boxes for actual
distance from parking area to box location.

Fully Accessible
Open to all ages including early walkers and those in
wheelchairs. Distance can be covered at a walking pace of 2+ miles per
hour with no or almost no inclines of more than 100 feet. Trail may or
may not be paved but is suitable for wheeled transportation (strollers,
walkers, wheelchairs) and is safe for the visually impaired. Boxes
located less than 1/4 mile from parking area.

Very Easy
Open to all ages including early walkers. Distance can be
covered at a walking pace of 2+ miles per hour with no or almost no
inclines of more than 100 feet. Trail suitable for large wheeled
transportation but walkers and light strollers may have difficulty.
Trail safe for visually impaired with assistance. Boxes located less
than 1/2 mile from parking area.

Open to all ages including early walkers. Distance can be
covered at a walking pace of 1.5 to 2 miles per hour with no inclines of
greater than 200 feet. Trail suitable for large wheeled transportation
but walkers and light strollers may have difficulty. Trail safe for
visually impaired with assistance. Boxes located less than one mile from
parking area.

Open to strong walkers or babies in carriers. Distance can
be covered at a walking pace of 1 to 1.5 miles per hour with no inclines
of greater than 400 feet. Trail may not be suitable for wheeled
transportation or the visually impaired. Box is accessible to children.
Boxes located less than two miles from parking area.

Open to experienced walkers or babies in carriers.
Distance can be covered at a walking pace of 1 mile per hour average
with some climbing involved. Trail not suitable for wheeled
transportation or the visually impaired. Box may or may not be
accessible to children. Boxes located less than three miles from parking

For experienced older walkers. Distance covered at an
average pace under 1 mile per hour or with many climbing segments or
with the inclusion of off trail hiking for some distance. Trail not
suitable for the very young (under 6), wheeled transportation, visually
impaired and care should be take with mentally challenged. Box most
likely not accessible to children. Boxes located less than five miles
from parking area.

Not recommended for walkers under the age of 10 and then
only with previous experience. Distance covered may be more than 5
miles, include steep climbs and/or extensive off trail hiking. Not
suitable for children, physically or mentally challenged. Box not
accessible to children.

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