Seeing It Like A Designer
Spicing Up Text Pages and Creating Rest Stops For
The Eyes
Text is the main item you will be using on your website
to help guide people around. But that doesn't mean your site
needs to be boring. Here are some easy ways to spice up
otherwise dull text pages -
 | Use descriptive words and text. If it is mostly words,
make sure those you choose are ones people will be
interested in reading. |
 | Use small graphics and line breaks to divide sections
and create a mood. Notice how I left a blank line and
switched to a bulleted list for this? That is what I
mean. These are also called rest stops for the eyes,
because they give the eyes a break briefly as the person
naturally pauses for the blank lines or to glance at the
graphic. |
 | Figure out your voice and make sure you use it
throughout. If your text all sounds as though it is
related, the visitor will be more inclined to read
deeper. |
Keep working on your site designs. For next time, write
down in your computer notebook the three or four colors you
would like to use for your site design.
Check the schedule ahead here

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4-H Club
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