Lots of Lists
Whether you are making a grocery list, a list of to-do
items, or holiday gifts you'd like to get this year,
everyone uses lists. And they are just as handy on the
internet. This week, you'll be learning how to make the
various types of lists used in HTML.
Unordered Lists
The most basic form of list is the unordered list or
"bulleted list".
You can use them for:
 | To-Do Items |
 | Menus/Tables of Contents |
 | Shopping Lists |
You start an unordered list with it's open tag -
<UL>. You use <LH> and </LH> for the list
header, <LI> for each list item and close out your
list with </UL>. The list above, then, looks like this
in code:
<LH>You can use them for:</LH>
<LI>To-Do Items
<LI>Menus/Tables of Contents
<LI>Shopping Lists
Continue to learn about ordered
lists... |